February 03, 2017 C-SPAN News http://MOXNews.com
Fleming Rose, Robert Corn-Revere, and Francis Buckley talked about free speech in the Trump administration following the president’s reaction to protests at the University of California, Berkeley. They also addressed flag burning among many other Freedom of Speech issues.
Tag Archives: President Trump
British House Of Commons Addresses President Trump’s Refugee Travel Ban
February 01, 2017 C-SPAN News
British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson delivered a state on President Trump’s executive order temporarily denying entry to the U.S. to the citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries, and temporarily suspending the granting of refugee status to anyone from Syria. Secretary Johnson said the Conservative-led government had clarified the executive orders with U.S. diplomats in London, and determined that holders of British passports, even those holding dual nationality with one of the seven affected nations, would not be delayed or hindered in their travels to the U.S.
Democrats Delay Vote On Attorney General Nominee Sessions For A Second Time!
January 31, 2017 C-SPAN News http://MOXNews.com
Democratic members of the Senate Judiciary Committee delayed a vote on whether to send to the full Senate Senator Jeff Sessions’ (R-AL) nomination to be attorney general in the Trump administration. During the hearing they questioned whether Senator Sessions, who was one of President Trump’s most vocal supporters during the election, would be able to say no to the president when his actions are unconstitutional, and then refused to attend the scheduled vote. Committee Chair Chuck Grassley (R-IA) rescheduled the vote for the following morning. Approximately three hours and 10 minutes into the hearing Senator Grassley noted the absence of a quorum and declared the hearing “at ease” and requested the sergeant-at-arms to bring committee members back. After 32 minutes, the hearing resumed with more statements from senators.
Sean Spicer Updates Press On Supreme Court Pick During Another Contentious White House Daily Brief
January 31, 2017 C-SPAN News
Press Secretary Sean Spicer briefed reporters at the White House and responded to their questions on a variety of topics, including the president’s travel ban, Cabinet nominations, a pending cybersecurity executive order, and the president’s Supreme Court nominee announcement scheduled that evening.
U.S. Relationship With Israel Under President Trump
January 30, 2017 C-SPAN News
The Washington Institute hosted a discussion with Israeli Cabinet Minister Tzachi Hanegbi and former Israeli Ambassador Itamar Rabinovich on the future of U.S.-Israel relations. Speakers also analyzed the prospects of a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the upcoming meeting between President Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the Iran nuclear agreement, and President Trump’s pledge to move the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
Does President Trump’s Travel Ban Make The United States MORE or LESS Safe?
January 30, 2017 C-SPAN News
Telephone lines were open for viewer calls and social media comments on the question, “Will the Trump administration’s travel ban make the country more safe or less safe?” On January 27, the president suspended entry into the U.S. of all refugees for 120 days; indefinitely halted Syrian refugees from entering the country; and blocked for 90 days entry for residents of the predominantly Muslim countries Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen.
White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer On Media Bias And President Trump
January 30, 2017 C-SPAN News
White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer and a panel of journalists that cover the White House participated in a discussion about media coverage of President Trump at George Washington University in Washington, DC. Topics included press access to President Trump, coverage of executive orders, public perception of the media, and media bias.
Elizabeth Warren “We Will Fight Donald Trump In The Courts! We Will Fight Donald Trump In Congress!”
January 30, 2017 C-SPAN News
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) held a news conference outside the Supreme Court to call for the reversal of President Trump’s travel ban on refugees and immigrants from several Middle East countries. Includes Senators Elizabeth Warren and Cory Booker.