January 05, 2017 C-SPAN News
Russian Hacking and Cybersecurity Top U.S. intelligence officials testified at a hearing on on cybersecurity threats, including Russia’s series of 2016 election-season cyberattacks. The witnesses agreed that Russia was behind the hacking and disseminating of fake news in the election. In response to question on President-elect Donald Trump’s criticism of U.S. intelligence agencies, National Intelligence Director James Clapper said, “There’s a difference between skepticism and disparagement.” Committee Chair John McCain
Tag Archives: obama legacy
What Should The U.S. Response Be To “Suspected” Russian Hacking?
December 16, 2016 C-SPAN News
Telephone lines were open for C-SPAN callers and viewer comments on the question “What Should The U.S. Response Be To SUSPECTED Russian Hacking?” and news of the day as well as the U.S. response to suspected Russian hacking.
C-SPAN Callers: What Will Be President Obama’s Legacy?
December 17, 2016 C-SPAN News
Headlines from the day’s newspapers were read and telephone lines were open for viewer comments on the question: “President Obama’s legacy?” Video clips were shown from President Obama’s news conference the previous day. The program included a video clip from the C-SPAN’s Local Content Vehicles (LCVs) stop on their “2016 LCV Cities Tour” in Scottsdale, Arizona, and of House Ways and Means Committee Chair Kevin Brady (R-TX) being interviewed the previous day for “Newsmakers.”